New Ventout Video


1st Asquith Scout Group have just posted a brilliant YouTube video for the upcoming Venturer and Scout event Ventout.

They've done a great job with the video. It looks like a really fun event too.

Everyday Adventure video series


The UK Scout Association has put up a series of 6 videos on YouTube. They explain what Scouting is, how it all works and why it's good to be involved.

They are all really interesting, well made and star real Scouts.

Link: YouTube Everyday Adventure playlist

Explorers on Segways


Explorers and Leaders/Adult Helpers from 1st Silver End Scouts enjoyed an evening of Segway riding at Braxted Park. It looks like huge fun.

Link: Flashdancy YouTube video

Boys Life video contest


Boys Life scouting magazine has put up no less than 88 video submitted to its Join Scouting video contest. Some of them are great. Take a look and see which ones you like.

Link: Join Scouting video contest entries
Link: This one is my favourite.

Nature through the viewfinder


InsaneScouter has put up a beautiful set of photos taken on a recent trip to a nearby mountain.

Link: Pretty photos

Cubs get up close with reptiles

Some great photos of Cubs and creatures in close proximity.

Wearne Bay Cubs and leaders joined with Alfords Point/Menai Cub pack to experience an evening of snakes, frogs, tortoises, lizards.

Link: Cub Creature Features

Air time!

I love this photo of a cub from Air Scouts Canberra getting some air time on a toboggan in the snow on Mt Selwyn, west of Canberra.

Link: Photo
Link: A day at the snow

Real cheetah visits South African Cubs

Akela Joy from 9th Benoni Cub Scouts in Gauteng, South Africa, writes about a visit to her pack from a real cheetah named Byron.
There are some great photos of the cubspatting Byron and it looks like they had a great time playing some games beforehand.

Link: Cheetah Cheetah oops I mean Tiger Tiger!